Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Jackson!

It is hard to believe my last baby is turning 4 years old. Jackson has gotten so big so fast. Jackson has been very entertaining and a wonderful part of our lives since arriving on Nov 12th, 2004 weighing in at a whopping 10 lbs 1 ounce! (here is a photo of Jackson as a newborn!)

It has been very interesting to have a boy after having two girls. Boys and girls are very different from each other! I really understand this now. Jackson loves all things that most little boys love - cars, trucks, dinosaurs, sports, playing in dirt, watching TV (which is NOT a good thing!), trains, bugs, etc.

Jackson really looks up to Kevin. He just follows his daddy everywhere it seems. He loves to "help" Kevin whenever he can - whether it be helping him shovel and spread out mulch, ride on the riding lawnmower and "help" Kevin mow, clean out the pool, and other tasks Jackson can find.

Jackson's personality has become more pronounced as he gets older. We are truly seeing what kind of little boy he is. He is fearless in situations where he is comfortable and more timid when he is in an unfamiliar environment. He has an amazing imagination. He truly believes he can grow up someday and be Superman or Spiderman. Just last week he ran full blast at the side of a soda machine and jumped at it, like Spiderman would leap at a wall to start climbing up the side of it and he bloodied his nose! He was disappointed he couldn't do what Spiderman could do. (Thankfully, this was not our first bloody nose with Jackson and likely won't be his last so I was quite calm.)

Jackson has Kevin's destructive streak in him. I won't even try to list the things he's broken or destroyed. It really isn't a lack of respect. He is just curious and I know there is a gene for destructiveness in him that he inherited from his father! Jackson is silly and goofy like Brittany. This is in stark constrast to Katelyn who is a very serious child. However, like Katelyn, Jackson is our deep thinker and very inquisitive.
I remind myself that Jackson is a wonderful blessing from God and that God only gives this child to us for a short time. And in that time we are privileged to raise him to become a good man, a follower of Christ. That is the ultimate goal - and I'll pray on Jackson's 4th birthday that Kevin and I never lose site of that.